Art & Parts

Icebox Quality Framing and Gallery is having a sale. 31 Years and it’s time.
Because we reserve most of our space to special exhibits we seldom have the area to offer items for sale.  Icebox has lots of surprises and this summer we will fill the gallery with frames, art materials, and artwork at very special prices. Great Deals for Artists, Photographers and Collectors.

Art  & Parts Continues through December 2019.

Opening September 21, 5-10PM: Chris Faust "Views of the Mississippi"

Chris Faust Exhibit

In 1992 Minnesota photographer Chris Faust was introduced to the landscape photographs of Henry Bosse. These were images that were made on 397 11X14” glass plates between 1880-1892 as part of a commission through the Army Corps of Engineers, to map the upper channel of the Mississippi River between Rock Island, Illinois and Minneapolis, MN. Bosse made Cyanotypes of all the plates to make six total albums. Then all but ten of the original plates were shattered in a construction accident in 1989.

Chris Faust Image

In 1992 Chris tried to visit and re-photograph the entire St. Paul album known as the Thompson Album, but the Corps maintained a policy of very limited access, so he gave up on it. Then in 2006 Chris got a call from the Corps. A new administration there had decided that it was time to not only photograph the album, but to scan it, as well and make it apart of the public domain on the web. So I was able to do that work and keep a set of the scans. All but ten of the original plates were shattered in a construction accident in 1989.

Chris has started the process of rephotographing selected images out of the Thompson album and two other albums. This exhibit will feature a selection of Chris Faust’s contemporary color prints displayed along side the Henry Bosse historical Cyanotype prints made from scans.

Chris Faust


Chris Faust

Views of the Mississippi

Opens Saturday September 21, 5PM until 10 Continues through December  2019. Exhibit included in NKB Nights, First Thursdays & Art Attack.

Artist Talk Sunday Afternoon During Art Attack on November 3rd at 3:00PM in the gallery. Limited seating, RSVP by email only at: icebox@bitstream.net




Will Agar

 Will Agar

Minneapolis: Past and Present, Night and Day

This is a selection of my favorite images of Minneapolis from the past as well as new work.  Like my landscapes and portraits, this body of work reflects over 50 years of continuous creative image making. I find the city to be an exhilarating montage of form and content offering great diversity of ideas and invention.

The term “new work” is rather relative for me. I discover a subject and record a picture. Later I will develop the film and months later make a contact image. A small print will eventually be made. The photograph will sit for a while. I reflect. At some point I may make an exhibition print. You could call this crock-pot photography. A slow simmer over a long period of time.

Although many of my images are made in the day, often the banal and trivial appear magical – like a midsummer’s night dream- when swathed in the mystery of the night air.  The film technique of night photograph is slow and cumbersome. But it’s formal technique is like the restraints of classical music, which I also enjoy, and the resulting subtle black and white lyric tones of the photographic print are like a quartet by Mendelssohn.

Will Agar

Image of Will Agar by: H.M. Christopherson

Will Agar

Will Agar grew up in the 1950s influenced and visually educated by his father, Frank Agar (1917-1999), who studied photography at the California School of Fine Arts with Minor White. In Minnesota, student Carrol T. Hartwell was a frequent visitor to the Agar household where he and Frank studied the latest Aperture publication while Hartwell printed for Frank’s upcoming shows and publications.

“Because of my father’s influence through teaching and our family’s relationship with the photo-art world my images have taken on two distinct components. The first is a strong foundation of composition and other formal elements of art and design. My camera, a 4x5 view, reinforces this. Second is my personal feelings of content- a certain place, a friend, or the clarity of seeing the right combination of visual elements at a particular time and place”.

Since 1975 Will Agar has taught black and white photography as a fine art at North Hennepin Community College. He continues to extend a visual tradition while reflecting whatever point he has reached in his life.
Will Agar’s work in included in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the George Eastman House. He has exhibited throughout the United States, Spain and Romania.





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